Cara Bikin Sambel matah ala ogut Nikmat!

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sambel matah ala ogut. Sambal kecombrang dan sambal matah ala chef terabal-abal sedunia. Sambal Matah Original Bali - Resep dan Cara Membuat Sambal Matah Khas Bali. Resep Sambal Bawang Bu Rudy ala MasakTV!

Sambel matah ala ogut Lihat juga resep Sambal matah enak lainnya. Make this delicious and famous sambal matah from the island of Bali that goes perfectly with your meat or seafood dishes. Peel off the outer layer of lemongrass and use only the tender white part of the lemongrass. Kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Sambel matah ala ogut hanya dengan menggunakan 11 bahan dan 9 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Sambel matah ala ogut yuk!

Bahan-bahan Sambel matah ala ogut

  1. Gunakan sesuai selera of Cabe rawit merah (aku pake 12 biji).
  2. Diperlukan sesuai selera of Cabe rawit ijo (aku pake 5 biji).
  3. Dibutuhkan sesuai selera of Bawang merah (aku pake 8 siung).
  4. Gunakan 4 lembar of Daun jeruk (buang tulang daun tengahnya).
  5. Siapkan of Sereh (optional) kalo yang gasuka boleh di skip.
  6. Diperlukan 2 buah of Jeruk nipis.
  7. Diperlukan 1 bks of Terasi ABC.
  8. Siapkan of Gula pasir.
  9. Siapkan of Totole (royco jg boleh).
  10. Sediakan of Garem.
  11. Siapkan of Minyak goreng panas.

Sambal Matah Recipe, an Indonesian raw, spicy shallot and chilli salsa or condiment from the island of Bali. So Sambal Matah is just one of a gazillion spicy condiments, salsas and chilli pastes found in South East Asia. It is raw and reminds me of the Mexican Pico de Gallo or Salsa Fresca. Originally from Bali, sambal matah is a spicy and refreshing condiment that goes well with just almost everything, from fried chicken to roasted seafood.

Cara membuat Sambel matah ala ogut

  1. Kupas bawang merah.
  2. Setelah itu cuci semua bahan untuk sambel.
  3. Cincang halus bawang merah, cabe rawit merah&ijo, iris tipis daun jeruk,iris tipis serai(kalo ga suka serai bisa di skip aj yaa..bisa d ganti sama tomat..biar makin seger).
  4. Potong jeruk nipis.
  5. Bakar terasi ABC ± 1 menit, setelah di bakar di ulek halus.
  6. Setelah semua bahan siap.. Siapkan mangkok.. Kemudian masukkan semua bahan lalu tambahkan gula pasir 3 sendok makan, totole 1 sendok makan, dab garam stengah sendok teh.
  7. Siapkan teflon, lalu panaskan minyak,.
  8. Setelah panas, tuangkan minyak ke mangkuk yang berisi irisan cabe,bawang dll.. Lalu aduk merata..terakhir kasih air perasan jeruk nipis.
  9. Cek rasa..lalu sajikan dengan nasi anget+lauk/gorengan dijamin endol... Simple kan đŸ˜‰Selamat mencobaaa.

It is an elongated pepper with green-red. Sambal Matah was one of the dishes we learned to cook and I have adapted the recipe we learned to use ingredients that are easier for me to find. When I first read through the ingredients before we started cooking at our class it didn't look overly special, but after preparing it and tasting it the flavor proved. Sambal Matah is a famous raw sambal from the Gods island of Bali. Thera are two versions of Sambal Matah.