Cara Bikin Balinese Sambal Matah yang Gurih!

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Balinese Sambal Matah. Traditional Balinese SAMBAL OELEK and SAMBAL MATAH RECIPE If you have ever been to Bali or Indonesia I am pretty sure you have come across these two. In this video I will show you how to make sambal matah, a side dish used to add flavour and spiciness to many local Balinese dishes. Originally from Bali, sambal matah is a spicy and refreshing condiment that goes well with just Firstly, we need an understanding on ingredients in sambal matah to customize this particular.

Balinese Sambal Matah There are so many different kinds of sambal and usually, chilis are involved when it comes to sambal. Serve this raw Balinese sambal as a condiment for grilled fish or chicken. While the shrimp paste is very pungent, it does add a unique. Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, sobat dapat menyiapkan Balinese Sambal Matah hanya dengan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Balinese Sambal Matah!

Bahan-bahan Balinese Sambal Matah

  1. Siapkan 2 tangkai of sereh.
  2. Gunakan 2 siung of bamer (agak besar).
  3. Sediakan 10 biji of cabe rawit.
  4. Dibutuhkan 5 lbr of daun jeruk.
  5. Diperlukan 1 bh of jeruk purut.
  6. Dibutuhkan 1 sachet of terasi ABC (bakar).
  7. Dibutuhkan of Garam.
  8. Siapkan of Gula.
  9. Siapkan of Minyak sayur.

Sambal Matah was one of the dishes we learned to cook and I have adapted the recipe we learned *Recipe Notes: The original sambal matah recipe that I learned to make used tiny fiery red Balinese. Sambal Matah Recipe, an Indonesian raw, spicy shallot and chilli salsa or condiment from the island of Bali. Sambal = a spicy condiment, chilli dish. Sambal Matah is a famous raw sambal from the Gods island of Bali.

Langkah-langkah membuat Balinese Sambal Matah

  1. Siapkan bahan,cuci Dan cincang semua bahan,untuk sereh cuman bagian putih dalam yg Muda aja yaa...
  2. Letakkan bahan ke dalam wadah campurkan garam,gula Dan terasi kemudian remas2 sampai hancur. #note sengaja terasinya tdk saya uleg karena lebih sedap Dan tdk lengket di ulekan..
  3. Tuangkan minyak (me pake jelantah ikan lebih sedap 😆)yg telah dipanaskan lebih dahulu ke dalam wadah berisi bahan kemudian tambahkan perasan jeruk purut lalu aduk merata.test rasa sambal matah siap dinikmati dgn ikan goreng Dan daun umbi rambat rebus ataupun plecing Kangkung and then Bon Appetite 😋😋.

But I decided to renew the pic. Ayam sambal matah Bali - Pan-fried chicken with Balinese salsa (spicy lemongrass salsa). Bali, the land of a thousand temples, is the most famous island in Indonesia. Hidangkan sambal matah bersama ayam atau ikan panggang/bakar/goreng. Visiting Bali is incomplete if you don't try the diverse cuisine.